
Showing posts from November, 2013

ISOC sisters' circle 1: Kenapa lebih ramai wanita Britain masuk Islam????

Assalamualaikum wrb dan salam 24 Muharam. Topik perbincangan Usrah/ ISOC Sisters Circle minggu ni ialah "Why Are British Women Converting to Islam?". Saya cuba berkongsi sedikit sebanyak hasil dapatan perbincangan (tapi saya banyak dengar saja..hehe) secara santai. Sebenarnya, banyak fakta berguna dan menarik untuk diketengahkan, tapi untuk menulis kembali fakta melibatkan perpeluhan otak yang berat dan mungkin akan terhenti separuh jalan J . Kalau boleh tak mahulah memendam info ini seorang diri, sekiranya pembaca ingin menyelidiki fakta, bolehlah buat kajian sendiri ya. Naqibah kami ialah Sister Mohibun. Beliau adalah salah seorang admin dalam Facebook fanpage Women against oppression - Liberation through Islam.   Sis   Mohibun memulakan perbincangan dengan menunjuk hasil carian imej google yang didapatinya. Bila ditaip perkataan “oppression” (penindasan) secara automatic, banyak gambar yang keluar menunjukkan imej wanita Muslim. Sementara dunia Barat ...

Mawar Circle 1: The Characteristics of the Believers

Assalamualaikum and hi, It's been a looooooong time since my last post. This blog seems like a 'shy to live, refuse to die' (hidup segan mati tak mahu).hahaha... Lots of things I wanted to share though.. but there were always obstacles in doing it. So, not to babble too much, here's a sharing of our Mawar Sisters' Circle yesterday. The Characteristics of The Believers. There are lots of definition of being successful. We know really well what the examples are: great job, good salary, good contribution to the community, successful and happy family, etc. Yet, they are all definitions that were set by human, for this life in the world. We now are not going to live here forever. No doubt, we are now walking to another world which lasts FOREVER. The hereafter. So Allah's definition is far more satisfying. He explains that the successful people, are the ones who end up in Paradise, they abide there in forever. While, everything that occurs in this life, is n...