
Showing posts from May, 2017

Home activity (may 2017)

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. I'm having my semester holiday..spending time at my husband's place at Putrajaya. So 2M are now having their holiday too :). Here are the activities that we had done. Alhamdulillah we made it though I need to battle with the tiredness of carrying 9 months little one in my tummy. The false contraction has keep on coming these days too. Basically I tried not to turn on the tv until 5 pm so we could optimize the time. But sometimes i did because Muna begged to watch Dora the Explorer. We usually start around 8, after having bath and breakfast. We start with practising the Al Furqan book (it's like Iqra' but i think this book is more advance than iqra' book). Then practise reading the book Bacalah Anakku. I didnt plan much with the next activity. I just did with whatever idea that came to my mind. I always asked them what they want to do..because lots of time their suggestion gave me a spark of another ideas. Writing about Ramadha...

Avoid kibr/ arrogance, ask for His protection


Why you need to love your first child enough


Warna- warni dunia PhD kami di Southampton

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim Alhamdulillah, syukur 26 April lepas suamiku berjaya menyelesaikan viva PhD dengan minor correction. Saat ini aku terbayang segala rutin harian kami,ibarat wayang yang sedang diputarkan. Sungguh besar nikmat Allah kepada kami..moga kami menjadi hambaNya yang lebih bersyukur dan taat...


Bismillahirrahmanirrahim... Bermulanya dari pokok tanah liat…..             Anak- anak sedang lena tidur di tengahari musim luruh ini. Maryam yang berumur setahun lima bulan sungguh comel ketika tidur. MashaAllah, saya sentiasa terasa ingin memeluknya di bawah selimut yang tebal, tatkala suhu sekarang dalam 12- 15⁰C. Namun hasrat itu tidak boleh dilayan, jari- jemari ini harus dipaksa menaip meskipun keadaan kurang semangat buat saya menulis. Dingin dan suram. Matahari diselindung awan- awan mendung tebal. Suasana seperti waktu senja sebelum waktunya. Itulah bahasa musim luruh. Sesiapa yang baru tiba dari Malaysia mungkin akan terasa sedih dan tertekan dengan cuaca sebegini.                         Ini musim luruh terakhir buat kami sepanjang tiga tahun setengah ini, InshaAllah. Dengan kesejukan malam yang menceca...