Homeschool, Alhamdulillah still on


Yesterday's weather..MashaAllah beautiful sunny day. I cannot help myself from going out of the house. After a week...childminding, homeschooling, cooking (and eating!), making breads..i really2 need to take a break this weekend!

So yesterday, Muna and I walked to Burgess Library, there are lots of people, and i love to see the volunteers at the library. I dreamt to be one of the volunteer before going back Malaysia.

So, at the toys library, we borrowed a baby dolly that Muna chose for herself, a money machine to play shop, and Tummy Turtle for little Maryam.

After that we went out shopping to buy some groceries and homeschool materials.

Late at night, I worked out organising their toys and learning materials. Alhamdulillah.

Dear hubby with the tandem pushchair (before Muna throw up after lots of coughing. My dear, I really really appreciate your idea of bringing the plastic bag yesterday :)

Everyday is a struggle... to balance.. to be patient with the kids.. to be grateful to Allah and thankful to husband.. to restrain over eating (winter does makes you always hungry:( )... to homeschool..everything about managing the time...

After all..inshaAllah..may Allah give me strength to continously and patiently struggle to achieve a sound heart..Amin..

Jazakumullahukhair for reading..


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